Contact WaterStone or
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Use this form to contact WaterStone Dry Cleaning. If you have any questions about our pick-up and delivery, full service laundry, or alterations, just send us a message. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Do you have a collection of clothing in the back of your closet that you don’t wear anymore because they no longer fit? Have you recieved as a gift a shirt that’s the perfect style and color, but is a size too large? Fit is the most important aspect of style. When your clothes don’t fit well, nothing else matters; not price, designer, fashion, or brand. You might want to get alterations tips from the experts. Feel free to ask us all about it.
WaterStone Cleaners is "GREEN" Certified

Contact WaterStone
Owasso: 918-272-2424
Pick-Up & Delivery: 918-270-1488

WaterStone Locations
WaterStone Dry Cleaning - Owasso
9540 N Garnett Rd Suite 115, Owasso, OK
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Tulsa Dry Cleaning. Delivered.
WaterStone delivers quality, full-service dry cleaning and garment repair. Choose on-site or FREE pick-up and delivery for all your dry cleaning needs.
Since 2006, we've earned a reputation for both quality and dependability. With same-day and twice weekly dry cleaning pick-up and delivery, WaterStone Dry Cleaning in Tulsa & Owasso can't be beat.